
Community Yearning reflection Suriname

Learning History of the Indonesian nation is never ending.

Beginning of The Dutch impact on Indonesia until whenever, until the end of life we will never forget.

Various Dutch colonial treatment of the Indonesian nation, will never run out to talk about. Pain, sad, sad, miserable, angry already mixed into one.

It hurt when people we love hurt,

It's sad when parting with those we love,

It's hard when our environment is damaged by another person,

Feels miserable when we are powerless to escape,

Feel angry when we are continuously suppressed.

Not feel the time goes so fast until you hear the news that there is a European country who daily use the Java language, then in Congress in Yogyakarta, Java language is a European country are invited to attend the congress event.

SURINAME is a European country is.

Countries that became famous After a descendent of the country into one of the World Football Icon, ... ... ... ... Ruud Gullit name.

Electrical current era of globalization the world has made information and communication technology into the next growing trimmings.

Of the development so that we know there are state radio Suriname (always updated) on the Internet and making nuanced songs Javanese language.

Click on this website


Form of reflection of longing, Suriname State public appreciation of ancestral homeland "The Indonesian people".

An award that are invaluable and we should have responded with real activity and full of sincere in accordance with our abilities each.